Monday, November 27, 2023

Qualified possibilities...


It is possible, but then you have to choose your fellow protesters and your method of message delivery quite carefully.

How many of the 300k in London yesterday “hate Hamas” vs hate Israel and/or Jews?

In a minority with considered, nuanced views, you can do little more than enable a mob.

What price your horror of dead innocents if it is expressed amidst banners which explicitly restate the blood libel?

“From the river to the sea” can be chanted with many different emotions or mental states. If it means just freedom and dignity to you, fine, but why sing along with a choir of people for whom it means violent vengeance, particularly when you won’t be first in line when any previously camouflaged-meanings become that much more limpid?

An you might want to start by asking yourself why you care so much anyway, relatively. What is your actual stake in all this? 


1 comment:

norm said...

An you might want to start by asking yourself why you care so much anyway, relatively. What is your actual stake in all this?
I have not had too much problem supporting the Jews in their retribution. They have acted similar to what most western nations would have in the aftermath of better than a thousand civilians being killed by commandos working for their near neighbor. A sucker punch demands a ruthless response. I have no stake other than being another human, vulnerable to unprovoked attack, who likes the idea of wiping the floor with those who think a sucker punch is good policy.
The rocket that misfired next to the hospital, at the beginning of the war, is a good example of just how ruthless the elected leaders of Gaza were before their attack. Mad dogs need put down for the good of all.