They will also be conducting on-going prayer vigils in Tecpán as a kind of real-time purge of the Bush hoodoo.
The director of Coordinadora Indígena y Campesina de Guatemala (CONIC), Juan Tiney, has explained how and why the clean-up will be conducted next Tuesday at Iximché, ancient capital of the Kakchiqueles:
"La presencia del señor Bush en un lugar como Iximché mancha la honra de ese sitio, por todas las muertes y dolor que ha sembrado en el mundo. Llegar a esas tierras santas atenta contra nuestra cultura" (Dubya's presence is a stain on the honour of this site, for all the pain and death that he has sown in this world. His arrival on these scared grounds is a kick in the nuts for our culture.)
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