Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Went with TC to check out Brian Eno's installation at Selfridges today.

"It uses multiple monitors to display a constantly evolving painting, generated from handmade images, randomly combined by computers, creating an ever-changing ‘painting’ consisting of hand-made elements that evolve into almost countless variations."

TC reckoned that the (77m) individual images were "not very grown up" (all a bit first year St Martin's college) and that the best thing about it was the sofas that you could literally collapse on. Of course, that's what the Viola room at the Tate Modern lacks. Sofas!

It reminded me of my efforts to try to perceive the shifting contours of the Atlantic as I overflew it last December. I discovered that you need to zoom in on localised textures in order to perceive the ocean's subtle motion. Pull back, and it's a seemingly static surface. All I needed was Eno's ambient gurgles on my iPod!

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