Monday, October 20, 2008


A mi me cae mal tener que despertarme casi cada madrugada cuando ni los gallos han cantado, rodeado por chuchos temblorosos a punto de infarto, solamente porque algun fulanito cerote en la vecindad esta cumpliendo años...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My very first night spent in Guatemala was in Zone 1, la capital, at the madrina's house on 14 Calle 15a. At about 3:30 the roosters started. I had not been warned and was not expecting this, as I was in the city. Fine. By 4:30 or so I was back to sleep. An hour later I thought we were under attack...I had also not been warned about the birthday tradition! Betty was most amused...

But somehow I miss it, reading your excellent post.