Monday, September 30, 2024

Safe Havens

Israel exists today as a modern, western values-leaning, democratic state — albeit within a surging sea of enraged tyranny — largely because of the fate of European Jews during the Third Reich — a unique genocide in world history, because it was the only one predicated primarily on Death — but one can also allow for the quickly-not-so-secondary need to provide Jews from all over, especially in the Middle East, with a safe haven from what we shall politely refer here to as the radical Jihadi 'way of life'.

And on some levels the modern nation we call Lebanon 🇱🇧, itself came into existence in order to fulfill a similar function for the region's Christians and their broadly ancient civilisation.
This has not worked out so well. 
The decline in the number of Lebanese Christians is almost never stigmatised as a 'genocide', but looks a lot more like one than anything experienced by so-called Palestinians, whose identity is a partial fabrication in the interests of the ‘radical Jihadi way of life’, whichever way you look at it.


Hezbollah in turn, has cropped up for two explicitly nation-destroying purposes, alone: the eradication of Israel as a self-determined Jewish entity and the conversion of Lebanon into yet another monolithic model of the ‘radical Jihadi way of life.’

It has deliberately occupied the southern zones where these two objectives can be served, along with an area of the northeastern border with better access to Syria and its peculiar Medieval-Modern mix.


Those who obsess about the West Bank rarely trouble themselves to ponder the displacements that have occurred here.

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