Friday, October 15, 2021

Zone 414 (2021)

How one responds to this film will depend to a large extent on how one feels about it being a bargain basement Irish knock-off of Blade Runner. 

In the end I was a little more amused than bothered. There is a single New York yellow cab that crops up on numerous occasions that I started to appreciate as a kind of recurring gag. 

The conflicted 'synthetic' personage here, the Sean Young role if you like, is played by Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, and played well enough, perhaps riffing off my father's old friend Gabrielle Drake as Gay Ellis in UFO

The movie does make one apparently original contribution to the genre — androids that can change their hair colour with a shake of the head. Blink and you will miss it..even if you are trying to shuffle the tint of your irises.

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