Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jalea de Café

We've just had an unexpected visitor — V's friend Don Willy, who came by to drop off a sample of his latest creation, coffee jam. Don Willy is our local entrepreneur, churning out delicious jaleas from his home-factory in Panorama.

His Valle de Panchoy jams are almost without exception delicious (I say almost, because the jalea de mango is a bit too sickly sweet for our tastes, but Don Willy says it's a kiddies' favourite) and this latest addition is no exception...even though I have so far only run my finger around the inside of the lid.

Guatemalans tend to like their coffee ralito with copious quantities of sugar, but Willy doesn't seem to have stinted on the beans here.

My father sounded sceptical when I told him about this novel Chapin delicacy, but then remembered that he likes tiramisu. He certainly loved the marmalade I took him on my visit last summer, and quickly identified the secret ingredient in all of Don Willy's jaleas: lemon juice.

Update: The more I try it, the more I love it. We're starting to think of dishes we can concoct with this wonder-jam as the base. (As well as lemon juice, Willy has blended in papaya with the coffee paste.)

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